Thursday, May 31, 2012

"The Why" to be a Clinical Informaticist

Recently, at an informatics meeting it was suggested by a colleague that we all watch a recent TedTalk. I was moved by Simon Sinek's talk on "The Why" -- he eloquently discusses leading with 'the why', and not overly focusing on 'the how', or 'the what'. I suggest you take 8.5' to watch Sinek's video on 'The Why'. Ask yourself if are you focusing on the why, the how, or the what. All are important, but in different, sometimes not well understood, ways. So I asked myself: Why do I do what I do? Here's the answer today:
  • To make it fun to practice medicine
  • To help people get better
  • To make the patient care experience better
  • To improve the quality of care
  • To lower the costs of care
  • To learn every day
  • To work with smart, dedicated, and caring people
  • To discover something new, bright, and shiny
  • To take delight in seeing a new idea come to life
  • To leave the world a better place
I'd like to suggest we all think about why we do what we do, which effectively guides the how and the what.

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